Here is an overview of important key figures for the MEB. This is not a complete reflection of all activities of the MEB.
Medicinal products for human use and marketing authorisations
New applications and authorisations
35 | Medicinal products with a new active substance |
563 | Dutch DCP RMS procedures |
1.311 | New marketing authorisations (including parallel) |
12.462 | Variations in existing medicinal product authorisations |
14.045 | Total number of authorised medicinal products |
European representation
124 | The Netherlands involved as Scientific Advice coordinator (SAWP) |
8 | The Netherlands Paediatric Investigation Plan rapporteur (PDCO) |
14 | The Netherlands rapporteur authorising orphan drug status (COMP) |
15 | The Netherlands CHMP rapporteur or co-rapporteur |
14 | The Netherlands involved as PRAC rapporteur |
Veterinary medicinal products
Nieuwe aanvragen en inschrijvingen
7 | Medicinal products with a new active substance |
15 | Applications DCP RMS procedures |
111 | New national marketing authorisations |
2.621 | Total number of authorised veterinary medicinal products |
European representation
8 | The Netherlands CVMP rapporteur or co-rapporteur |
3 | The Netherlands rapporteur or co-rapporteur new Maximum Residue Limits |
Botanicals and homeopathica
6 | Authorised herbal medicinal products on the basis of traditional use |
54 | Total number of authorised herbal medicinal products on the basis of traditional use (31 december 2017) |
2 | Authorised herbal medicinal products on the basis of complete dossier |
2.911 | Total number of authorised homeopathic medicinal products |